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Regenerative Design

Friday 3th of November, 2023 | 13.00-16.30
Aalto University, Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1), Hall B
Seminar booklet 


Introduction prof. Elisa Lähde and prof. Panu Savolainen 13:00–13:20

Researchers’ perspective 13.20-14.00

Doctoral Researcher Johanna Hyrkäs/ Aalto ARTS: Letting Nature Closer – Where to Set the Boundary (If We Need It)
Doctoral Researcher Martta Nieminen/ Aalto BIZ: Regenerative organizing and the more-than-human world

Practical view 14.00-14.45

Landscape Architect Ella Prokkola/ Aalto ARTS: Mapping polyphonies: Architectural graphics as a device of multispecies storytelling
Lead – Resilient Societies & Liveability Katri Einola / Ramboll: Towards regenerative thinking – A generalist’s point of view
Architect Pekka Pakkanen / Planetary Architecture: The Biodiversity Building

Coffee Break & Student Project Exhibition 14.45-15.15

Converstations with Daniel Wahl 15.15-16.15
Final insights of all live speakers
Evening party at 19.00 in Otaniemi


The theme of the fall 2023 Nils Erik Wickberg symposium is regenerative design, where the goal is to enable structures and systems that are self-sufficient and produce positive effects. The approach is systemic and humans and social systems are seen strongly as part of nature and related to ecological systems, not separate from them.

Regenerative design emphasizes connectedness and interactions on many different scales and questions the prevailing relationship with nature. It demands from designers a vision of processes or architecture that ”does good” and not just ”less bad”. What needs to be considered is how we produce places or spaces that are not only sustainably built, but also produce an understanding of mutual belonging in relation to each other, non-human actors, and the rest of nature, and at the same time offer opportunities for increasing human and planetary well-being.

In the NEW symposium, there will be a discussion about what kind of openings the regenerative design approach enables in architecture. Regenerative design is approached through researchers in the field, representatives of related disciplines and practitioners.